Random curiosity is nothing to be ashamed of.. we all engage in it on a daily basis and there’s plenty out there to be curious about. Ever wondered which country has… the most beer drinkers, murders, smokers or prisoners? Well, you may be surprised.

(off-trade sales, liters per head of pop., 2006)
Wine Drinkers

(off-trade sales, liters per head of pop., 2006)
1. Portugal 33.1
2. Switzerland 29.0
3. Italy 28.7
4. France 26.7
5. Denmark 26.4
6. Argentina 26.2
7. Hungary 24.3
8. Netherlands 23.7
9. Germany 22.6
10. Belgium 21.1
Alcoholic Drinks

(off-trade sales, liters per head of pop., 2006)
1. Australia 100.8
2. Czech Republic 97.7
3. Germany 96.4
4. Finland 93.3
5. Austria 90.2
6. Denmark 89.5
7. Hungary 88.3
8. Russia 86.4
9. New Zealand 81.3
10. Netherlands 80.4

(Av. ann consumption of cigarettes per head per day, 2007)
1. Greece 8.2
2. Slovenia 7.0
Ukraine 7.0
4. Bulgaria 6.7
5. Czech Republic 6.5
6. Macedonia 6.4
Russia 6.4
8. Moldavia 6.3
9. Spain 6.1
10. Bosnia 5.8

(per 100,000 pop., 2004)
1. Ecuador 18.9
2. Switzerland 13.6
3. Mongolia 13.1
4. Suriname 10.4
5. Lithuania 9.3
6. Latvia 8.5
Zimbabwe 8.5
8. Belarus 8.2
Kyrgyzstan 8.2
10. Turkmenistan 8.1

Death Row

(Number of prisoners sentenced to death, population, latest available year)
1. Pakistan 7,436
2. United-States 3,246
3. Thailand 1,140
4. Kenya 946
5. Bangladesh 860
6. Burundi 533
7. Uganda 417
8. Tanzania 389
9. Nigeria 341
10. Sudan 300
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