This is a creation from Boston Dynamics who help develop and build advanced robots for clients such as the US Army and SONY. It's totally weird but totally cool!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Implode podcast 02 . Art by Skinner soon dropping.
1.The Sect - Voices - Position Chrome
2.Cooh - Ventil - Position Chrome
3.Raiden & The Panacea - Connect The Dots - Position Chrome
4.Counterstrike & Current Value - Techno Is - Algorythm
5.Counterstrike & Eye-D - Motherfuckin Skulls - PRSPCT
6.Counterstrike & Donny - Tear Your Soul Apart - Algorythm
7.Counterstrike & The Panacea - Tinnitus - Algorythm
8.Counterstrike - Fear Generation - Algorythm
9.Nphonix - Zed - M-Atome
10.Limewax - Kristal Weizen - Tech Itch
11.Counterstrike - Maniac(Donny Rmx) - Algorythm
12.Counterstrike - Power to Distort - PRSPCT
13.Counterstrike - Room Of Mirrors - Algorythm
14.Counterstrike - Cut You Into Little Pieces - Algortyhm
15.B-Soul - Markus - Barcode
download link here.
Interesting Cameras Of Old

Designed by Noel Pemberton Biling, and manufactured by Swiss watchmaker Le Coultre, the Compass incorporated the most features in the least possible space. Long before our modern micro miniature digital cameras came along, the Compass camera had just about every feature imaginable in the smallest possible size. It even incorporated stereo and panoramic photo features. The complete kit includes a beautifully made tripod with a pocket clip like on a pen.

Thornton-Pickard MkIII Hythe
Designed to emulate a Lewis machine gun, the Hythe camera was used as a training tool for aerial gunners. In wartime, 120 roll film was much cheaper (and safer) than live .303 ammo. The "gun's" controls are comparable to an actual Lewis gun, but the charging handle advances the film and cocks the shutter. The trigger fires the shutter. The simple fixed focus, aperture and shutter speed were intended to judge a gunner's aiming skills, not take a pretty picture. Although purely a camera, it uses an actu al functioning Lewis gun magazine.
3 Chance Encounters
R.I.P. Dennis Hopper

Hopper died Saturday at his home in the Los Angeles beach community of Venice, surrounded by family and friends, family friend Alex Hitz said. Hopper's manager announced in October 2009 that he had been diagnosed with prostate cancer.
Shanghai Graffiti
The dudes and dudettes of Invasian Magazine just got back from their lil Shanghai tour, where they had been visiting the World Expo 2010 and getting some painting done as well....Writers here include XEME, REDY, YYY, LOOMIT & DEZIO


street art
If Star Wars Was Real
Blog Archive
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- If Star Wars Was Real
- 30 People Who Really Shouldn't Own Guns
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- Phace @ Subsession/GerogeFM Auckland/NZ Feb.17th 2010