#5 Gears Of War 3

Epic Games are pretty well known to push the boundaries of visualization beyond limits. They did that with Gear of War and Gears of War 2 and they are all set to surpass all of their previous achievements with the third iin the genre defining series, Gears of War 3. The game is already looking spectacular and with almost a year left before it’s releases Epic Game’s third entry in to the Gears of War saga will make people’s jaw drop.
#4 Killzone 3

With levels ten times bigger than in Killzone 2, this is Helghan like you’ve never seen it before. You’ll face brutal combat in a host of environments that threaten to bury you on the deadly planet. Killzone 3 will see you trudge through toxic nuclear wastelands, get lost in a lethal alien jungle, fight in bitter arctic conditions and take the battle into space as you fight against Helghast domination. Killzone 3 will be fully playable in Stereoscopic 3D, immersing you more deeply into the ferocious world and putting you at the heart of the action.
#3 Rage

Built on id Software’s newest game engine, id Tech5, RAGE is an all-new take on the first person shooter genre by adding combination of racing and rpg elements. Every object in the game will be different and if you have seen all those crazy E3 demonstrations than you may have an idea on what I am talking about.
#2 Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

Third in the Uncharted trilogy, Drakes Deception see’s the return of adventure hero Nathan Drake and his loveable rogue mentor, Victor Sullivan. Sony recently revealed that the new game will be improved in many areas including combat and multiplayer. It has also been announced that Uncharted 3 will be in 3D, which should help sales of 3D TV’s. With its award-winning storytelling, blockbuster cinematic action sequences, immersive high resolution 3D and stunning environmental detail and effects, Uncharted 3 is already looking better than Among Thieves.
#1 Crysis 2

In Crysis 2, the aliens have returned with a full invasion force bent on nothing less than the total annihilation of mankind. In New York, terrifying alien invaders stalk the streets and a nightmare plague strikes down the city’s myriad inhabitants with brutal epidemic speed. Built on Crytek’s new state-of-the art multiplatform game development system, Cry Engine 3, Crysis 2 will simply blow away players with its mind boggling visuals.
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